Making a special statement in Parliament, Finance and State Revenue Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said that the allegations made by Wijayadasa Rajapakshe regarding the state financial activities were baseless. The Minister said that Rajapakshe has misled the public by presenting false information on this budget.
The same statements which was in the Appropriation bill in 2007 has been included in this year Appropriation Bill and Rajapakshe has voted to approve it. “We have not engaged in any financial activity without informing Parliament,” He said.
All relevant documents have been presented to Parliament on Government revenue for 2007. The correct details of the Government’s expenditure are also attached. Salary advances and festival advances are proposed to be granted for public servants.
Rajapakshe would have made these allegations, when this budget was being prepared.
It is certain he has not paid his much attention regarding the content outlined at the budget. There may be certain shortcomings which we are unable to detect. It is questionable why he raised this issue at the budget 2008 when similar issues have been outlined in budget 2007.
We have allocated money for development activities. If it is not enough, additional funds should be approved by the Parliament.
This is not unusual and it happened under many previous Governments. We have kept some money at the centre to be used when the correct occasion comes.
Out of the sum of Rs.50.6 billion, we have allocated Rs.10.5 billion to pay COL allowances, correcting salary anomalies and for new recruitment.
It has allocated Rs.7.5 billion as recurrent expenditure while Rs.21 billion has been allocated as a capital expenditure. To revive some unprogressive institutions, we have allocated Rs.2 billion.
The CTB will be granted Rs.1 billion while Rs.6.9 billion has been allocated to promote development projects run by using foreign funds.
His allegations are unjustified. The amount of money needed for the settlement of loans is also mentioned.
We are in the process of repaying the loans. The total allocation for the Presidents Office’s expenditure is only Rs.3.2 billion and not Rs.5.8 billion as Rajapakshe stated.
The total allocation for Samurdhi benefits is Rs.10.9 billion and not the Rs.9.6 billion. Rajapakshe has mentioned the total expenditure for maintaining the Cabinet is Rs.18 billion. It is false and the amount will be a Rs.2.2 billion.
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